Amanda Konkin | Producer
Amanda Konkin is a Producer of live action and animated content living and working in Vancouver, Canada.
Works cited for Amanda’s Paper Presentation at Breaking the Glass Frame (2018): An Examination of Lauren Montgomery’s Influence on Modern Superhero Pop Culture.
USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative/Annenberg Foundation
Dr. Stacy L. Smith, Marc Choueiti, Dr. Katherine Pieper, Ariana Case, & Angel Choi, Inequality in 1,100 Popular Films: Examining Portrayals of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, LGBT & Disability from 2007 to 2017 (July 2018)
Dr. Stacy L. Smith, Marc Choueiti, Dr. Katherine Pieper, Inclusion in the Director’s Chair? Gender, Race & Age of Directors Across 1,100 Films from 2007-2017 (January 2018) (USC Annenberg, School for Communication and Journalism)
Center for the Study of Women in Television & Film, San Diego State University
Dr. Martha M Lauzen, “Boxed In 2017-18: Women On Screen and Behind the Scenes in Television” Center for the Study of Women in Television & Film, San Diego State University (September 2018)
Dr. Martha M Lauzen, “It’s a Man’s (Celluloid) World: Portrayals of Female Characters in the 100 Top Films of 2017”. Center for the Study of Women in Television & Film, San Diego State University (2017)
See Jane, Gina Davis Institute on Gender in Media
The See Jane 100, Gender and Race Representations in the Top Family Films of 2017
Motion Picture Association of America
Theatrical Market Statistics 2016
UCLA College Social Sciences
Hollywood Diversity Report 2018: Five Years of Progress and Missed Opportunities
Dr. Darnell Hunt, Dr. Ana-Christina Ramón, Michael Tran, Amberia Sargent, and Debanjan Roychoudhury
Peer Reviewed Articles:
Boe, Josh L. & Rebecca J. Woods, “Parents’ Influence on Infants’ Gender-Typed Toy Preferences”, Sex Roles (2018) 79:358–373, Published online: 3 November 2017
Baker,K., & Raney, A.A.(2007). “Equally super?: Gender-role stereotyping of superheroes in children’s animated programs”. Mass Communication & Society, 10, 25 – 41 (dec 2007) Kaysee Baker and Arthur A Raney Vol 10, 2007 issue 1
Coyne, S., Linder, J., Rasmussen, E., Nelson, D., & Collier, K. (2014). It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a gender stereotype!: Longitudinal associations between superhero viewing and gender stereotyped play. Sex Roles, 70, 416–430. Link
Hentges, Beth & Kim Case (2013) “Gender Representations on Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, and Nickelodeon Broadcasts in the United States”, Journal of Children and Media, 7:3, 319-333. Link
Scott, Suzanne (2017) #Wheresrey?: Toys, spoilers, and the gender politics of franchise paratexts, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 34:2, 138-147 Link
Stabile, C. A. (2009). Sweetheart, this ain’t gender studies: Sexism and superheroes. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 6, 86–92. Link
Banet-Weiser, Sarah, Kids Rule!: Nickelodeon and Consumer Citizenship Duke University Press. 2007.
Brown, Jeffery A. The Modern Superhero in Film and Television: Popular Genre and American Culture. Routledge Advances in Comics Studies. New York: 2017.
Gray II, Richard J. “Vivacious Vixens and Scintillanting Super-Hotties: Desconstructing the Superheroine” The 21st Century Superhero: Essays on Gender, Genre and Globalization in Film edited by Richard J. Gray II, Betty Kaklamanidou
Lemish, Dafna, Screening Gender on Children’s Television: The Views of Producers around the World 1st Edition. Routledge, New York: 2010.
Online Source/Articles and Publications:
Graph on Superhero Market Share
How ‘Voltron Legendary Defender’ Is a Small Victory for Transgender Visibility By Nick Romano
Why The Legend of Korra is still a Feminists Headache
The Legend of Korra and Mixed Message Feminism
NPR Interview- Neda Ulaby, April 13, 20124:04 PM ET
Copeland, Libby. Korra’s a Girl? TV producers think boys won’t watch girl heroines. Turns out that’s not true. (SEPT. 25 2013 11:49 PM)
Romano, Nick. “How Voltron showrunners found a Legendary LGBT Defender in Shiro” Entertainment Weekly, Aug 9, 2018 9am EDT
Video Clips
“What Makes a Wonder Woman?” Video clip at the end of Wonder Woman: Commemorative Edition (2009, 83 min)